You can use real estate investing cash flow increases, we all can.
Over the last couple of articles, we've journeyed through history to learn the difference between "money" and "currency" and we've mapped out how inflation can eat away at your lifestyle rather quickly.
Now that you know these "rules of the money game" you've got to figure out how you're going to play the game. Let me tell you how with real estate investing cash flow increases.
One of the key things we believe in is creating your own "asset base" that will create independence for you and help you fight off the inflation monster!
Here are the main categories of assets you can invest into:
1. Investment Real Estate. Properties that produce cash flow for you.
2. Businesses. A business that produces cash flow for you. Most people depend on their income for cash flow, you want a business that creates cash flow. Much better.
3. Commodities. Gold/Silver/Oil/Cotton etc. Skilled "asset builders" invest directly into these things. Not into "paper certificates" or "mutual funds" that represent this asset class. These are one of the best ways to protect existing money you have from getting eaten by inflation. Don't hold cash, instead, put your money into this asset class.
4. Paper Assets. - savings accounts, mutual funds, bonds, stocks, universal life insurance. This is the asset class most of the population focuses on. It's the easiest to invest in. Requires very little effort.
So how can we use real estate investing for cash flow increases?
Most Canadians invest in paper assets of some kind.
And although we are not fans of Paper Assets at all we understand their attraction and their role in our economy. However real estate investing cash flow increases are better.
So here's the thing...
Most people are ONLY investing in Paper Assets.
Paper Assets aren't evil but they really shouldn't be the ONLY thing your into.
This class of assets give you the lowest chance of actually breaking out of the rat race and creating some real wealth for you and your family.
If you really want to create freedom and beat the money game you're going to have to explore the other categories.
We have never, ever, met a truly wealthy individual who had all their investment tied up in Paper Assets.
Read that again,
We have never, ever, met a truly wealthy individual who had all their investment tied up in Paper Assets.
Have you?
Yet, that's where the majority of Canadians seem to be focusing their efforts. I recommend using real estate investing cash flow streams.
Every person we have met that has some form of financial independence has studied and invested into one of the other asset classes.
They've created a business that spits out money. Or bought one.
And they've bought some investment real estate.
Maybe even bought a little gold and silver.
The real stuff.
Not some funky "gold certificates" or something.
Most people don't even know where to buy real gold bullion.
Do you?
Don't be like everyone else.
That's no fun. Instead, you can use real estate investing cash flow increases!
Real Estate Investing Cash Flow Increases
Let's take a quick pick at the type of cash flow you generally get from Paper Assets.
1. You get interest from you savings. A "high interest" savings account right now is paying just over 1%.
The money you earn here is going to be taxed at the highest tax rate and if inflation is clipping along at the 3% then you're losing money every day.
2. Dividends from some stocks. In this category of cash flow yo have no control.
In the first quarter of 2009, there were more than $70 Billion dollars in dividend reductions.
You don't want to you have financial future tied to the whims of the market. Use real estate investing cash flow increases.
Because paper assets give you very little or likely ZERO control over your investment they have the most amount of risk.
So the asset class that most people invest into has high tax rates, little deductions and zero control., you tell us...
Which is the scariest asset class of them all?
It's proven, with real estate investing cash flow increases you are better off.
To create wealth you need to work.
You need control. And you need cash flow.
There's no easy road to this.
But with some consistent steps, it's not that difficult to create a much more valuable stream of money in your life.
If you don't have business experience that's no problem.
There is literally more opportunity around you today than there ever has been in the history of mankind!
Yes, we're dead serious.
Find a mentor and then get busy.
And if you don't want to start your own business you can get into a form of business that attracts customers and creates cash flow.
Buy a nice little investment property. Learn how to run it. Generate some cash.
Save some money, then buy another.
No magic.
You develop the skills you need to create money for yourself.
You gain confidence, you gain control of your life.
And that's what it's all about.
Until next time ... be a Renegade!
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