Non-payment of rental income. What action to take?

Dear Tom,

I have a rented income hosue in the Richmond Hill Area, at the end of the leased.

I have not collect the rent for a couple of months, what action should I take and
if i require some lawyer where can I obtain one?


Comments for Non-payment of rental income. What action to take?

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Sep 03, 2010
Non payment of Rent
by: Scott

Hey folks,
I agree with Tom's advice, but I have also found that the threat of the initial form can often be enough to scare a tenant into paying.

I have only evicted 2 tenants in over 20 years of being a landlord by using this simple tactic.

I will call up the tenant or often have a calm face to face meeting with them to explain that the process now needs to start and here's how it will go down.

If you explain how a legal process will damage their credit score and also make it more difficult for them to find a new home, they will often find a way to pay up the rent.

I will then suggest that the home is clearly too expensive for them and suggest that they search for a more affordable home.

Seems simple, but often a calm and direct approach produces the best results.

Good luck,


Feb 17, 2010
Late Rent and Non-Payment of Rent in Ontario
by: Tom Karadza

Hi Elizabeth,

The Landlord and Tenant Board in Ontario does an excellent job at helping in these situations.

You really should not need to incur the cost of a lawyer unless there are details here that complicate the situation.

You start by filling out a N4 form and mailing it to your tenant or putting in the mailbox. 14 days later you file an L1 form for a hearing date at the Tenant Board. If they have not paid by that time they will likely get an order to vacate the property.

Why don't you give them a quick call, they're very helpful:

The N4 form and L1 form are on the website along with detailed instructions on how to use them.

Hope that helps!


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