
by Ruth
(Montreal, Quebec)

Do you have any experience, personal or otherwise, investing within Montreal,Quebec? I am extremely interested in what you have said in your book, but I know that Quebec has ways that are in total contrast to the other parts of Canada. Would these strategies work in Quebec? I want to become a member but would you have a mentor for me in Montreal? Please let me know.

P.S. Reading your book for the second time.

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May 20, 2011
RE: Investing In Quebec
by: Tom Karadza

The strategies will likely work anywhere but the contracts and agreements you use may differ. I would take the concepts to a good real estate lawyer and ask them how to best structure this in Quebec so you're doing everything according to the provincial laws and guidelines. Because we don't invest in Quebec ourselves we wouldn't be able to provide specific advice unfortunately!!

We really appreciate you reaching out to us though. From a membership with us you'd get the insights in our investing, other members approaches to investing and different perspectives but nothing specific to Quebec. So sorry!


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