The Renegade Real Estate Investing Newsletter

"Cutting Through the Real Estate Investing B.S."

This FREE Real Estate Investing Tips newsletter is your window into the world of real estate investing. You will never get closer to the real action than learning straight from two Canadian brothers, Tom & Nick Karadza, who are actually implementing the strategies they talk about!

In this weekly publication you will get access to our real world guides, trends, tips, strategies and "how to" information that is being implemented "on the streets" with real people, right here in Canada.

To access the full list of articles visit:

It is published every Thursday, if you have been forwarded this email and would like your own copy click here to sign up.

Thursday April 10th, 2008

In this Issue:

- Renegade Commentary: "Nido Rocks The House"

- Featured Article: Real Estate Investment Book & A BIG LESSON!

The next FREE Real Estate Training Workshop

Our next real estate training class is on Saturday April 26th, 2008 at 10am in our Burlington offices. In this class you will learn how to profit from Real Estate without having to rehab and renovate distressed homes and create steady monthly income for yourself.

You'll also learn about actual real life success stories of investors doing this right here in your own backyard. To get all the location details and hold your spot (because we regularly fill the class!) visit:

"Nido Rocks The House"

As some of you know we did some traveling last week. We were in Tennessee with people like Gene Simmons, George Ross, and Nido Qubein. Having the opportunity to learn from people like this is invaluable.

Until last year I had never heard of Nido Qubein but I can tell you that listening to and speaking with Nido can have a profound impact on a person. He is one of the few living Americans who have received the Horatio Alger Award. You can check out a bit about him here

When speaking of investing and market conditions there was something he said that really hit home.

“It is not TIMING the market, it is TIME IN the market”

WOW! I had never heard someone break it down so simply before. Prior to this I always knew that you had to be in the game to make things happen. No one will ever score a goal sitting on the couch (no matter how much they scream at the TV!).

You need to be in the market to get any results and if you are like the masses and only focus on the short term you will constantly be trying to buy at the perfect time. This strategy will typically paralyze a person into not doing anything.

This point took on a new meaning when I overheard a conversation during lunch in downtown Oakville, Ontario only a couple of days later.

This lady was taking about real estate in the area and she said the she had purchased a home for $40,000 cash many years ago. I think many of us know that $40,000 does not buy ANY real estate in the Greater Toronto Area any longer. And I can tell you that downtown Oakville is full of million dollar homes.

It went directly back to Nido’s point! It didn’t matter if this lady bought the home at the top of the market or the bottom at that time because of the TIME IN the market. She had been through ups and downs, even the infamous late 80’s crash of the real estate market. But because of her TIME IN the market she was sitting on a bucket load of money.

It is amazing what the world can teach you when you open yourself to what is around you, and put yourself in situations to learn from others that can offer you their wisdom (think mastermind effect).

So instead of spending your time on the sidelines being the ‘armchair quarterback’ get into the game. The longer you play the better the chance for success.

Don’t model the masses and buy into the media breeding fear, decide to surround yourself with knowledgeable and experienced mentors and leverage them into breeding success for yourself.

And once you are successful send Nido a note thanking him for breaking it down and making it so clear

Until next a Renegade!

Tom & Nick Karadza
"The Real Estate Renegades"

Real Estate Investing Step-by-Step:

To learn more about our investing approach and the system we use with our members you can request a copy of our FREE Report to be mailed to you. In it you will learn:

  1. How you can turn 3 Single-Family homes into 24 homes without investing any additional money by having homes buy homes. EASY WEALTH!
  2. How you can create Income for Life in just ONE hour of spare time a day! This means NO FIXING UP DISTRESSED HOMES!

To request your own complimentary copy of our investing in "Nice Homes in Nice Areas" report go to and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Featured Article:

Real Estate Investment Book
"Income For Life for Canadians"

You know when we first talked about putting this real estate investment book together we really had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

But it's finally done! And I want to share a story about it with you.

The day after we picked up the first batch of them hot off the printers presses we threw them in the trunk of my car and hauled them into the member event we were holding the next day.

Now we had no clue that we would actually be handing these things out but before we knew it we were selling them and a dozen were out the door before we could blink.

Two days later when we received an email from one of our members stating that the book was all messed up.

Now we know we're not the Mark Twain's but our real estate investment book was by no means "all messed up"!

So we looked into it and found that a bunch of the pages were out of order.

At this point we could have gone down two paths:

1. Panic.

2. Act and move on.

We chose option #2.

We called the printer and to his credit he agreed to fix it all for no cost. If anyone needs the name of a good printer in the Toronto area send me a note! Most vendors I've dealt with will kick and scream and not do the right his credit he acted quickly and now has a customer for life.

But here's the bigger lesson in this...

When this issue popped up all of sudden we had everyone looking at the real estate investment book for spelling mistakes, typos and any other errors. And a few did some.

We ignored the mistakes and reprinted the book quickly without fixing them.

And a lot of people couldn't understand why we would have done that. Shouldn't we have waited until it was proof read to perfection?


That's how most people do things. And I'm sure enough kind people will gladly point out every mistake for us...basically acting as our proof readers for free. Cool eh?

For the full article click here to continue reading...

Successful Investors "Spill the Beans"

My son came up with the idea of having some of our real estate investing clients "spill the beans" on a teleseminar call. He thought it would be a great idea if you could hear from others how they are creating wealth for themselves. Well, we couldn't agree with him more ;)

We did it and even helped him set up a website to share it with you.

If you want to eavesdrop on how people are making money in real estate right in your own backyard visit and you'll get instant access to a recording of the call right now!

About The Real Estate Renegades

Tom Karadza & Nick Karadza are authors of the book "Income For Life for Canadians" and work with a select group of real estate investors throughout the Greater Toronto Area. They actually do what they talk about it.

They have been called 'Real Estate Renegades' because they are implementing real estate investing strategies that were once thought to be impossible by many 'industry professionals'.

They also offer real estate investing classes, reports, coaching and mentoring, and other resources to help both beginner and experienced real estate investors achieve ultimate success. Learn more now at:


You can meet them in person at their next FREE Real Estate Investing Class, "How to Invest in Nice Homes in Nice Areas" by signing up here:

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