The Renegade Real Estate Investing Newsletter

"Cutting Through the Real Estate Investing B.S."

This FREE Real Estate Investing Tips newsletter is your window into the world of real estate investing. You will never get closer to the real action than learning straight from two Canadian brothers, Tom & Nick Karadza, who are actually implementing the strategies they talk about!

In this weekly publication you will get access to our real world guides, trends, tips, strategies and "how to" information that is being implemented "on the streets" with real people, right here in Canada.

To access the full list of articles visit: or check out their new blog:

It is published every Thursday, if you have been forwarded this email and would like your own copy click here to sign up.

Friday September 4th, 2008

In this Issue:

- Renegade Commentary: Back To School Isn't Just For Kids & Nick Takes Flight

- Featured Article: "Why People Are More Important To You Than The Piece of Property"

Back To School Isn't Just For Kids & Nick Takes Flight

It's Back to School....and not just for the kids.

My son is off to Grade 1 this week (I've never seen someone so excited about getting homework!).

And it's back to school for me too, I'm off taking a real estate course as requirement of opening up our brokerage Rockstar Real Estate Inc..

And all this school stuff has made me reflect on how much money we've spent over the years on books, courses, CDs, private coaching, visiting mastermind groups all over North America. In just the last few years it's over $55,000.

Years ago if anyone told us we would be spending that much cash on education related activities AFTER finishing college and university we would have thought you were mad. Who knew!

Another trip is in the making...

Nick is taking flight again! And this time it's not to jump out of a plane!

He is off to visit Greece and Egypt next week with his wife. It should be a blast and he's promised to share the pictures of his adventure when he gets back, we'll post some in this newsletter and up on the blog.

This week's article "Why People Are More Important To You Than The Piece of Property" includes one of the biggest lessons we've learned from real estate investing.

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You can apply here, we'll call you to see if you qualify!

Until next a Renegade!

Tom & Nick Karadza
"The Real Estate Renegades"

Your FREE Real Estate Investing Report....

You can learn more about our investing approach and the system we use with our members you can request a copy of our FREE Report to be mailed to you. In it you will learn:

  1. How you can turn 3 Single-Family homes into 24 homes without investing any additional money by having homes buy homes.
  2. How you can create Income for Life in just ONE hour of spare time a day! This means NO FIXING UP DISTRESSED HOMES!

To request your own complimentary copy of our investing in "Nice Homes in Nice Areas" report go to and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Featured Article:

"Why People Are More Important To You Than The Piece of Property"

Real estate can be a tough business, very tough.

Navigating the sea of lawyers, home inspectors, mortgage brokers, real estate sales reps, accountants, contractors and insurance companies can be daunting.

But you must never give up. Ever.

Building a team of professionals around you that knows what they are doing is by far the single most important thing you can be doing.

It's so much more important than the actual investment property. If you're just starting out creating an asset base of real estate for yourself you may be so focused on the property that you lose sight of the big picture.

Well we're here to make sure that doesn't happen.

You see, investment properties have been around a long time. And they'll continue to be around for a long time. Shelter is "a need" after all. It's one of the nice things about investing in real estate, people actually need it.

However, many investors get so caught up in finding "a deal" that they burn a lot of bridges along the way.

Here's a quick list of the most common team building mistakes we've seen:

  1. Working with a lawyer for a few days only to discover that you can save $50 by using a different lawyer. Pulling all the property closing files from lawyer #1 and sending them to lawyer #2.

    What you didn't know was the advice lawyer #1 gives you on closing day could save you thousands of dollars. Will lawyer #1 take you back as a client when you really need his advice? Maybe, but I've seen many people crawl back to a good lawyer only to be turned away.

  2. Using two mortgage brokers at the same time to try and save a tenth of a percent off your mortgage rate. Because you didn't tell them about each other they are both working hard for you....even making commitments on your behalf with underwriters.

    At the last minute you pull the plug broker #1 and go with #2. A few weeks later you want to buy another property and the broker you burned bridges with has private money ready to make it happen but decides he will never work with you again. You end up going to another broker and paying much more in fees than you needed to!

  3. An accountant charges a fee of $500 to share some tactics around structuring your real estate. Following the advice will save you thousands of dollars in taxes and prevent costly litigation.

    You decide to take his/her advice and run. You don't pay the bill because you'll just tell your own accountant to implement your new found knowledge and he'll do it for free. When it's done incorrectly you end up facing a huge tax bill.

  4. A real estate sales rep shows you 6 multiplexes that fit your criteria. She spends days previewing the properties and focuses on areas that she knows are fundamentally strong investment areas.

    You decide to try and save some cash and negotiate directly with the listing sales rep to save some commission. You call your agent back when you're ready to buy another property and your calls go unanswered. You spend precious time trying to find someone else with the same caliber of knowledge and experience.

  5. You have an insurance agent quote you on 5 investment properties. Another insurance company gives you a better price. Instead of giving the first insurance contact an opportunity to match the price or explain differences you pull the plug and go with the cheaper company

In the short term each of these moves may seem like the prudent thing to do. After all if you can save $50 or shave off $100 from your annual insurance bill why not right?

Here's the thing...

You end up burning a lot of bridges a long the way. And when you are just starting out you may not realize how small of a world it really is.

Mortgage brokers talk to each other, so do lawyers, accountants and real estate sales reps. When you're really in a jam one day and need an experienced real estate lawyer he/she may no longer be willing to work with you.

That $50 you saved up front may end up costing you thousands. Seriously, we've seen it with our very own eyes.

The most valuable thing you are building is your team, not your properties. Even if you are thinking about taking your business elsewhere, because you have every right to do that, make a quick phone call explaining your decision. It *may* save the relationship.

Let me take an extreme example to explain this further...

When Trump ran into serious problems in the early 1990s with his real estate he was able to rebuild.


Although he was a tough negotiator, he always treated the people around him very well. He had his own all star team.

Using that team he was able to re-assemble his empire.

Sure he had some experience at that point. But he also had his team. He had people like George Ross by his side.

He didn't have George when he was just starting out. George is part of his team.

When your property springs a leak, or the financing gets difficult, or you need a contractor's your team that will help you out.

Have you noticed how Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, constantly talks about investment real estate? You may not have noticed that he doesn't work alone.

He has a team of property managers that go in and handle his apartment buildings for him. They are the ones who fix up the building and raise the rent (improving the cash flow and the value).

All wealthy investors work the same way.

We were just speaking with the top apartment consultant in Canada. He's the kind of guy that save you from costly investment mistakes. Definitely someone you want on your team for the long haul.

The most valuable asset in your portfolio is not the properties.

It's your team.

Build it, nurture it, take care of it and it will pay off with large returns.

For more real estate investing articles, case studies and guides visit

About The Real Estate Renegades

Tom Karadza & Nick Karadza are authors of the book "Income For Life for Canadians", available on by clicking here, and work with a select group of real estate investors throughout the Greater Toronto Area. They actually do what they talk about it.

They have been called 'Real Estate Renegades' because they are implementing real estate investing strategies that were once thought to be impossible by many 'industry professionals'. They focus on creating positive cash flow real estate.

In order to focus exclusively on real estate investing they have co-founded their own brokerage, Rock Star Real Estate Inc.. The inspiration for the name came from the idea that we invest in real estate to live life on our own terms. To create your very own "Rockstar Life", whether that's time with the kids at the cottage or weekend gateaways to L.A. and Tuscany!

Tom & Nick are also part of several mastermind groups in Canada and in the USA and publish a monthly 12-page real estate investing newsletter and audio series exclusively for their clients.

They also offer real estate investing classes, reports, one-on-one coaching and mentoring, and other resources to help both beginner and experienced real estate investors achieve ultimate success.

Learn more now at:


You can meet them in person at their next FREE Real Estate Investing Class, "How to Invest in Nice Homes in Nice Areas" by signing up here:

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