The Renegade Real Estate Investing Newsletter

"Cutting Through the Real Estate Investing B.S."

This FREE Real Estate Investing Tips newsletter is your window into the world of real estate investing. You will never get closer to the real action than learning straight from two Canadian brothers, Tom & Nick Karadza, who are actually implementing the strategies they talk about!

In this weekly publication you will get access to our real world guides, trends, tips, strategies and "how to" information that is being implemented "on the streets" with real people, right here in Canada.

To access the full list of articles visit:

It is published every Thursday, if you have been forwarded this email and would like your own copy click here to sign up.

Thursday March 27, 2008

In this Issue:

- Renegade Commentary: Stop Thinking

- Featured Article: A Real Estate Investing Program Works *IF* You Don't Quit Like Everyone Else

The next FREE Real Estate Training Workshop

Our next real estate training class is on Saturday April 26th, 2008 at 10am in our Oakville offices. In this class you will learn how to profit from Real Estate without having to rehab and renovate distressed homes and create steady monthly income for yourself.

You'll also learn about actual real life success stories of investors doing this right here in your own backyard. To get all the location details and hold your spot (because we regularly fill the class!) visit:

Stop Thinking

It's been another nutty week around here. We're still recovering from the overflow of activity from our Quarterly Member event last weekend and this week hand more curve balls.

We were supposed to move into our new Burlington offices on Saturday but yesterday at 9:10 the phone system and internet was pulled from the existing office unexpectedly.

There's nothing like lack of internet access to get you moving. Exactly 3 hours and 15 minutes later we had moved into our new offices near Walkers Line and the QEW and had internet back up and running. We were even taking care of some real estate transactions a few minutes later.

There's a lesson here that I want to share...

At 9:10am yesterday we gathered up and made quick decision to rent a truck. We ventured out into Oakville, rented a cube van, loaded up desks, computers, laptops, phones, filing cabinets, white boards, a book case, printers, fax machines, chairs and even Mike's plant (Mike is a part of the team over here)....drove down the QEW and then unloaded it all and set it back up. Plugged in phones, printers, laptops, setup desks and chairs. Three hours and fifteen minutes later we were back in action. Quickest office move in history we think...someone call Guinness!

We had planned to do this on Saturday. But because we didn't have time to *think* about it we just acted and more often than not that's how I have personally achieved all the bigger accomplishments in my life.

Last week I talked about the "plank test". That's where you have a plank between two buildings 100 feet in the air. And you would normally walk across the plank but because you focus on the fear of falling you freeze until you have a burning fire behind you that threatens your life. Then you run across that board!

Well yesterday our burning fire popped up and made us move like the dickens.

If you find yourself thinking and planning to make your next real estate investment just stop.

Instead, just move. Find your burning fire and move on.

Stop Thinking. Start Doing.

Until next a Renegade!

Tom & Nick Karadza
"The Real Estate Renegades"

Real Estate Investing Step-by-Step:

To learn more about our investing approach and the system we use with our members you can request a copy of our FREE Report to be mailed to you. In it you will learn:

  1. How you can turn 3 Single-Family homes into 24 homes without investing any additional money by having homes buy homes. EASY WEALTH!
  2. How you can create Income for Life in just ONE hour of spare time a day! This means NO FIXING UP DISTRESSED HOMES!

To request your own complimentary copy of our investing in "Nice Homes in Nice Areas" report go to and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Featured Article:

A Real Estate Investing Program Works *IF* You Don't Quit Like Everyone Else

Photo above: Silver Creek Garden

Most people never finish a Real Estate Investing Program once they start. By "program" I mean any organized plan to invest in real estate.

I'm not really sure why people give up too early but it's a common pattern that we're all guilty of.

The art of patience and self discipline seems to have disappeared from the psyche of the masses. Not really sure why but every where I turn people want the quick fix, the quick cash, the quick wealth.

This obsession with "quick" is a fatal flaw.

Let me relate this as best I can to a real estate investing program. A client we work with had a goal to buy six properties in one year. And another had no real goal but just wanted to get started and make money with real estate investing.

The first client made six offers and lost out on every single one before getting his first property.

The second client made an offer on one property and lost out on it and gave up on the real estate investing program all together. Totally gave up after not winning his first offer.

The first client now (9 months later) owns six properties all producing positive cash flow.

The second client has no properties (we no longer work with him so I could be wrong, but I doubt he has any and I would be happy to be proven wrong).

The first client's net worth according to my rough calculations based on appreciation of 8% that occurred in the area has increased by $50,000. And that's just this past 9 months. With the positive cash flow, immediate cash extraction, tax write-offs and equity build-up in the property it could be more. And the real wealth will build not now but over the next several years.

Why does one person quit while the next person continues on?

I've been obsessed with this question. And I think the answer lies mainly in each person's maturity level. At a certain point you just realize that you have to put in consistent focused work to reap any rewards.

Early in a person's "wealth building" cycle they are too scattered. Always looking for the next big thing. Always looking for the next best real estate investing program. They go from wanted to flip, to rent, to apartment buildings, to land development, to nothing.

I think that's why many people run around like chickens with their head cut off from one boot camp, to another seminar, to the next networking event. When you're always striving for the next big thing you don't focus long enough to achieve anything.

Achieving your goals isn't very complicated. But I guess keeping focused is. It's a challenge for me.

This post is inspired by something I read in one of Robin Sharma's books, The Greatness Guide.

And he has this line in it "Consistency. It's amazing how far you will get by just staying with something long enough."

This is true for a real estate investing program and for everything.

A while back I was a sales manager at a software company as it was going public on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

For the full article click here to continue reading...

Successful Investors "Spill the Beans"

My son came up with the idea of having some of our real estate investing clients "spill the beans" on a teleseminar call. He thought it would be a great idea if you could hear from others how they are creating wealth for themselves. Well, we couldn't agree with him more ;)

We did it and even helped him set up a website to share it with you.

If you want to eavesdrop on how people are making money in real estate right in your own backyard visit and you'll get instant access to a recording of the call right now!

About The Real Estate Renegades

Tom Karadza & Nick Karadza run the Income for Life real estate investing system for their members throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

They have been called 'Real Estate Renegades' because they are implementing real estate investing strategies that were once thought to be impossible by many 'industry professionals'.

They are authors of the book "Income for Life for Canadians" and will be made available on the website shortly!

They also offer FREE real estate investing classes, FREE reports, coaching and mentoring, and other resources to help both beginner and experienced real estate investors achieve ultimate success. Learn more now at:


You can meet them in person at their next FREE Real Estate Investing Class, "How to Invest in Nice Homes in Nice Areas" by signing up here:

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