The Renegade Real Estate Investing Newsletter
"Cutting Through the Real Estate Investing B.S."
This FREE Real Estate Investing Tips newsletter is your window into the world of real estate investing. You will never get closer to the real action than learning straight from two Canadian brothers, Tom & Nick Karadza, who are actually implementing the strategies they talk about! In this weekly publication you will get access to our real world guides, trends, tips, strategies and "how to" information that is being implemented "on the streets" with real people, right here in Canada.
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It is published every Thursday, if you have been forwarded
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Thursday July 31st, 2008
In this Issue:
- Renegade Commentary: Positive Cash Flow Properties
- Featured Article: Canadian Real Estate Foreclosures & "The Hype"
Income For Life Updates...
Last week was insane! We had our Income For Life "Members Only" Event last week - it was a blast - and we had 19 new members join the group, many of which made it out 2 days later to the "members only" event! At the event we announced Rockstar Real Estate Inc., Mike on our team shared his "pay it forward" idea and Harry Stinson shared his vision for a 100 storey tower he would like to build. More importantly, we also had real Canadian investors (Joe, Steve, Jason & Bill) share their stories on the "hot seat"....and we have new ideas how to make that hot seat even better for the next event. We're going to unleash it this Fall.
All the fun aside, real estate investing boils down to acquiring positive cash flow properties. Not "hype", just fundamentally sound real estate investing by Canadians for Canadians. The Income For Life program is growing and we are proud to be associated with such a great group of investors. It's really a dream coming true for us.
Not a member yet?
Click here to apply, we'll call you within 48 business hours to see if you qualify!
Positive Cash Flow Properties
One of the most frequent questions we get is this:
"Can you guys really find positive cash flow properties that aren't dumps?"
Funny eh! We don't buy dumps.
"Nice Homes, Nice Areas" is the motto we invest by. Often we don't even sweep out the home before having a tenant move in because they are immaculate when we get them (not always, but often).
And after you've invested for a while something fantastic begins to happen.....your name gets out into the market and people call you looking for "nice homes, in nice areas" that they can rent!
That's what happened to us recently and we were able to purchase a home for a great family in the Brantford area. The home is beautiful inside, completed updated kitchen even. It needs no work. They are moving in on the same day we take possession. Isn't that great? How's that for an investment.
We know sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words so we took a short video at the property. This property will cash flow positively from day one and we were able to set future purchase prices with the tenant so when they buy it from us we know our profit right upfront.
Check it out....
In this week's featured article we discuss in more details the critical factors you should look at before investing. And why "hype" isn't one of them!
Until next a Renegade!
Tom & Nick Karadza
"The Real Estate Renegades"
Real Estate Investing Step-by-Step:
To learn more about our investing approach and the system we use
with our members you can request a copy of our FREE Report to be
mailed to you. In it you will learn:
- How you can turn 3 Single-Family homes into 24 homes without investing any additional money by having homes buy homes. EASY WEALTH!
- How you can create Income for Life in just ONE hour of spare time
To request your own complimentary copy of our investing in "Nice Homes
in Nice Areas" report go to and fill out the form
at the bottom of the page.
Featured Article: Canadian Real Estate Foreclosures & "The Hype"
The mere mention of Canadian real estate foreclosures is enough to get a beginner investor jumping out of their chair in excitement.
While their are are foreclosures that may represent good deals there are a few things you should know...
Let us explain.
Canadian real estate foreclosures have a process that is followed and it differs province-by-province.
Here in Ontario are "Power of Sale" process is used by Ontario lenders to provide a speedy means of disposing of real estate.
The property is usually listed on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) with a real estate agent. And the list price is usually at "fair market value".
So here in Ontario if you find Canadian real estate foreclosures listed as "power of sale" it doesn't necessarily mean it's automatically "a deal".
However, we have been involved in Power of Sale purchases where there is money to be made. For example, one property was purchased for $930,000 and sold several months later for $1,250,000. You should note though...that was done by a team with some serious Canadian real estate foreclosures experience and deep enough pockets to carry the property for some time if it didn't sell.
Right now in Canada (July 2008) there are a ton of "seminars" advertising to Canadians that there is huge money to be made in the U.S. by buying U.S. foreclosures. And they're taking bus tours to go buy them.
Almost like a ride at Canada's Wonderland!
We get invited to these U.S. events and Canadian real estate foreclosures all the time.
And regularly turn them down. Most people know us as investors so they don't understand why we're usually not interested. Some people even get upset that we're not all jazzed up about the opportunity.
Here's why these things don't interest us much...
For the full article click here to continue reading...
About The Real Estate Renegades
Tom Karadza & Nick Karadza are authors of the book "Income For Life for Canadians", available on by clicking here,
and work with a select group of real estate investors throughout the Greater Toronto Area.
They actually do what they talk about it.
They have been called 'Real Estate Renegades' because they are implementing
real estate investing strategies that were once thought to be impossible by
many 'industry professionals'. They are part of several mastermind groups in Canada and in the USA and publish a monthly 12-page real estate investing newsletter and audio series exclusively for their clients.
They also offer real estate investing classes, reports, one-on-one coaching
and mentoring, and other resources to help both beginner and experienced real estate investors achieve ultimate success. Learn more now at:
You can meet them in person at their next FREE Real Estate Investing Class, "How to Invest in Nice Homes in Nice Areas" by signing up here:
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